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Letter to the Editor: What's there not to like?

Jun 20, 2023

Who you vote for is your right, but who you vote for can be wrong.

Example: Biden's Democratic agenda.

Open border; nearly 5 million illegal immigrants; 900,000 get away. Among them - killers, rapists, drug dealers, terrorists, child molesters, MS-13 gangs.

Once here - transportation; city of choice; issued cellphones, hotel accommodations, jobs, driver's license, voting rights, hospitalization, health care, housing allowance, fuel assistance, paid utilities, food stamps.

American social programs - abortion on demand; partial birth abortion; bisexual bathrooms; same-sex marriages; queers in services; military sex changes; grade school drag queens; "woke" agenda public schools; school parents, domestic terrorists; transgender men's/women's sports; stimulus checks; proposed student loan forgiveness, $20,000; reparation, 5 million per Black slave ancestors.


Forced military COVID shots; many left.

Schoolkids mandatory face masks.

Defund large intercity police, BLM destroyed many of these sanctuary cities.

Biden's Dr. Fauci's (WHO Watan coverup) 1,100,000 Americans died and he makes $450,000 per.

Liberal news, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, HLN, Times, Post all manipulated the truth.

(Day one) Keystone shutdown, no future exploration, including Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge with the shortage we brought from Russia, 500,000 barrels/day at $100/barrel, cost Americans $50 million/day, financed Putin's Ukraine war.

Traded convicted international Russian arms dealer for Black lesbian basketball player.

Free pass on four Chinese spy balloons.


Unforgivable, Biden's Afghanistan pullout, 13 dead. Pitiful.

Trump's Russian conspiracy hoax.

Biden says "guns kill." So do cars. Let's take all cars to you radicals. Any takers?

Abolish gas stoves, lawn mowers, AC's, etc.

All time high crime, gas, bank closures, inflation, weak military.

What's there not to like about Biden's administration?

Biden's sick, and certainly a puppet for George Soros and his kind, socialists. They’re out to destroy America.

Wake up.


My opinion.

Jack Schmidt,

Pequot Lakes